Fresh Roasted Asparagus

This is really fast to throw together and very tasty!

One bunch of Fresh Asparagus (I choose the fattest ones as I have found that they are the most tender, contrary to what many others may think!)

One large clove of garlic Freshly ground black pepper

Regular Olive Oil (the regular Olive Oil is meant to be used for anything prepared with heat) (the extra Virgin Olive Oil (or EVOO as Rachel Ray says) is best for use with anything that is not going to be cooked, sauteed, grilled or baked) Wash the asparagus then snap off the tough part of the ends.

You can usually feel where they will snap off easily. Then put them in a pan (glass or metal, in this case size doesn’t matter, as long as they fit!)

Drizzle the olive oil over the asparagus Crack the pepper over it Slice the garlic (This is where my new toy comes in handy, get your mind out of the bedroom folks, we’re talking about kitchen gadgets here. It’s called a “Garlic Zoom”)

Sprinkle sliced garlic over asparagus

Bake in hot oven at around 375 to 400 or put it on the grill for about 20 minutes. Stir them occasionally. Be careful not to over cook. They are best when they are “crisp tender”

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One Response to “Fresh Roasted Asparagus”

  1. […] rest for 15 mins. or so after you remove it from the grill. Then carve and eat! Serve this with the roasted asparagus or steamed veggies and you have a super easy delicious […]

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