Black Peppercorn Marinated Steak – FAST & EASY

Ribeye steak

Weber’s Black Peppercorn marinade Follow the directions on the marinade package.

Put the steaks in a large gallon size ziplock bag in the marinade

The best part about this marinade is that you marinate it NO MORE than 15 minutes!

Put steak on a hot grill or in the broiler and cook until desired doneness.

We like to accompany this one with some roasted idaho potatoes. You can cook them 3/4 of the way done in the microwave then slice them lengthwise down the middle then down the middle again so that you have spears. Drizzle some olive oil over them then sprinkle spices all lover them.

We like: fresh ground black pepper cayenne pepper tarragon garlic powder Then roast the herbed potatoes on the grill for about 20 minutes turning at least once.

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